I thought I would post this questionaire on smoking that I was recently asked to do. They sent me the questions via email and I responded. I actually like doing these because it sometimes shatters the mystique that smoking is taboo or some kind of curse.
Smoking Questionaire
1.When did you start smoking?
I started smoking about 5 years ago.
2. What was the main motivation for starting?
It's kinda hard to explain, except that I always felt "deep-down" for many years that I wanted to smoke. It wasn't peer pressure or a "curiosity." It was a desire to do it that I didn't want to avoid anymore. I guess I just really wanted to have the "guilty pleasure" of smoking. I think people are naturally addictive creatures and I think I wanted to be addicted to it. It brought me pleasure to submit to smoking.
3. Do you feel addicted to it?
Oh Yes. Physically, psychologically, and emotionally. I actually love the addiction.
4. Have you tried to quit?
No and I likely never will.
5. Would it be hard for you to quit?
Yes. The only way it wouldn't is if I, for some reason, didn't like it anymore. That's not likely to happen. I love it too much and have no desire to quit. It's the desire to smoke that makes you not want to quit mostly. If you love it, you don't want to leave it.
6. How does smoking make you feel?
Fantastic. Very relaxed, and I love how it makes my body feel.
7. Do you regret starting?
No. Not for a second.
8. If you had to do it all over again, would you start?
Yes, without hesitation. I have no regrets.
9. Would you have started at a younger age?
Yes, that is actually one of my regrets. I missed out on all the socializing, sneaking out, and fun of being a young or teenage smoker.
10. Does the health risks bother you?
No. It was one of the things that kept me from smoking earlier in my life, but when you really look at the stats, odds, and positives vs. negatives of smoking, it's not really worth worrying about. It's a trade off of good and bad and I find it to be more good than bad.
11. How often do you smoke?
It varies. I usually smoke a pack every few days. I'm not a heavy smoker because I like building up cravings and satisfying them. Chain-smoking kinda dulls that a bit although I do like to chain smoke in social settings once in a while.
12. Would you date a non-smoker?
No. My S.O. would need to be as passionate about smoking as I am.
13. What if your teenage kids wanted to smoke?
I'm ok with it. Like I said, I regret not smoking when I was young. I would just want them to be open with me about it.
14. Do you think most smokers want to quit?
No. I think the main motivation for smokers saying they want to quit is guilt and public pressure. I think most smokers really want to smoke and really enjoy it. Smokers are better off to shed the "guilt trip" and embrace their habit. The stress of guilt is worse than anything smoking can do to you.
15. What are some benefits you see to smoking?
There are physical, mental, and emotional benefits. It's great for concentration, relaxation, social interaction, and satisfying a desire to have a guilty pleasure. I think smokers that accept their love for smoking tend to find a happiness that is very rewarding.
16. What would your advice be to someone thinking about starting smoking?
It depends on why. Peer pressure and curiosity are not very good reasons. I think if the person has an inner craving to smoke for whatever reason, I would tell them to do it. Otherwise, they will be like me for years and have this nagging desire to smoke. I think some people are just "wired" to smoke and I really believe the addiction starts prior to the first time smoking. That's the way it was for me. I knew before I smoked my first cig. I was going to be addicted and I really wanted that. For some people, like me, we were born to smoke. If someone were to tell me they really wanted to start smoking and they have an excitement on their face about it, I encourage it. They are likely wired for it. They need it. It's meant to be.
17. Any final remarks?
Smoking is not for everyone, but it is for many. For those people, they are better off smoking and doing what they love than to fight and stress over it. To those people I say "just embrace it."
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